
class pyacq.core.rpc.ProcessSpawner(name=None, address='tcp://*', qt=False, log_addr=None, log_level=None, executable=None)[source]

Utility for spawning and bootstrapping a new process with an RPCServer.

Automatically creates an RPCClient that is connected to the remote process (spawner.client).

name : str | None

Optional process name that will be assigned to all remote log records.

address : str

ZMQ socket address that the new process’s RPCServer will bind to. Default is 'tcp://*'.

Note: binding RPCServer to a public IP address is a potential security hazard (see RPCServer).

qt : bool

If True, then start a Qt application in the remote process, and use a QtRPCServer.

log_addr : str

Optional log server address to which the new process will send its log records. This will also cause the new process’s stdout and stderr to be captured and forwarded as log records.

log_level : int

Optional initial log level to assign to the root logger in the new process.

executable : str | None

Optional python executable to invoke. The default value is sys.executable.


# start a new process
proc = ProcessSpawner()

# ask the child process to do some work
mod = proc._import('my.module')

# close the child process
client = None

An RPCClient instance that is connected to the RPCServer in the remote process


Kill the spawned process immediately.


Return the spawned process’s return code, or None if it has not exited yet.


Stop the spawned process by asking its RPC server to close.


Wait for the process to exit and return its return code.