Data streams

As data is acquired in Pyacq, it is transmitted from Node to Node within the graph using Stream classes. Each Node has one or more input and/or output streams that may be connected together, and each stream can be configured to transmit different types and shapes of data:

device.output.configure(protocol='tcp', interface='',

For the most part, Nodes will automatically decide the configuration options for their input/output streams based on the data they receive or generate. Some options, however, must be configured manually. In the sections below we describe the basic operating theory for streams and the associated configuration options.

Streamable Data Types

Pyacq’s streams can, in principle, carry any type of time-varying signal that can be represented by a numpy array. In practice, this is expressed in a few simple cases:

  • One or more analog signals such as an audio stream or multichannel EEG data. If multiple signals are transmitted in a single stream, they must be time-locked such that, for each time point represented in the data, every channel must have exactly one value recorded (in other words, it must be possible to represent the data as a 2D array of floating-point values).
  • One or more time-locked digital signals. These are typically recorded TTL signals such as a lever-press indicator or the frame exposure signal from a camera.
  • A video feed from a camera. Although it would be possible to carry multiple time-locked video signals in a single stream, this might be more naturally implemented by creating a single stream per video feed.
  • A stream of events, where each event is a (time, value) pair that indicates the time that the event occurred and an integer descriptor of the event. This can be used in a similar way to digital signals (for recording button presses, beam crossings, etc.), but where the events are sparsely coded and the complete sample-by-sample recording of the digital signal is either unnecessary or unavailable.

Streams can be used to transmit multidimensional arrays, and for the most part, the shape of these arrays is left to the user to decide. The only requirement is that the first array axis should represent time. Conceptually, stream data represents an array where axis 0 can have an arbitrary length that grows over time as data is collected. In practice, this data is represented in chunks as numpy arrays with a fixed size for axis 0.

Data Transmission

Data transmission through a stream occurs in several stages:

  1. Pre-filtering: As data is passed to an output stream, it is passed through a user-defined sequence of filtering functions. These are used, for example, to scale, cast, or reshape data as needed to meet the stream requirements.
  2. Chunking: The output stream collects data until a minimum chunk size is reached. The chunk size is determined by the output stream configuration and may depend on the data type. For example, a 100 kHz analog signal might be transmitted over a stream in 1000-sample chunks, whereas a video feed might be transmitted one frame at a time.
  3. Transmission: The chunk is transmitted to all input streams that are connected to the output. The mechanism used to transmit data depends on the protocol and transfermode arguments used during output stream configuration:
    • Plain data stream over TCP: data is sent by TCP using a ZeroMQ socket.
    • Plain data stream within process: data is sent using a ZeroMQ “inproc” socket, which avoids uncecessary memory copies.
    • Shared memory: data is written into shared memory, and the new memory pointer is sent using a TCP or inproc ZeroMQ socket.
  4. Reassembly: Each connected input stream independently receives data chunks and reassembles the stream.
  5. Post-filtering: The reconstructed stream data is passed through another user-defined sequence of filtering functions before being made available to the stream user.

When transmitting plain data streams, Pyacq tries to maximize throughput by avoiding any unnecessary data copies. In most cases, a copy is required only if the input array does not occupy a contiguous block of memory.

A Simple Example

In this example, we pass an array from one thread to another:

import numpy as np
import pyacq
import threading

data = np.array([[1,2], [3,4], [5,6]])

# Create and configure the output stream (sender)
out = pyacq.OutputStream()

# Create the input stream (receiver) and connect it to
# the output stream
inp = pyacq.InputStream()

# Start a background thread that just receives and prints
# data from the input stream
def receiver():
    global inp
    while True:
        d = inp.recv()
        print("Received: %s" % repr(d))

thread = threading.Thread(target=receiver, daemon=True)

# Send data through the stream

If we run this code from an interactive shell, the last few lines might look like:

>>> out.send(data)
>>> Received: (6, array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]]))

At this point, we may continue calling out.send() indefinitely.


  • In this example, data is sent over the stream using the default method: each chunk is serialized and transmitted over a tcp socket. This default works well when sending data between processes; for threads, however, we can achieve much better performance with other methods. (see OutputStream.configure())
  • InputStream and OutputStream are not thread-safe. Once the input thread is started, we should not attempt to access the InputStream’s attributes or methods from the main thread. Likewise, we should not attempt to call ip.connect(out) from within the input thread.
  • In this example we have not provided any way to ask the stream thread to exit. Setting daemon=True when creating the thread ensures that, once the main thread exits, the stream thread will not prevent the process from exiting as well.

Streaming between processes

In the example above, we used inp.connect(out) to establish the connection between the ends of the stream. How does this work when we have the input and output in different processes, or on different machines? We use pyacq’s RPC system to allow the streams to negotiate a connection, exactly as if they had been created in the same process:

import pyacq

# Start a local RPC server so that a remote InputStream will be able
# to make configuration requests from a local OutputStream:
s = pyacq.RPCServer()

# Create the output stream in the local process
o = pyacq.OutputStream()

# Spawn a new process and create an InputStream there
p = pyacq.ProcessSpawner()
rpyacq = p.client._import('pyacq')
i = rpyacq.InputStream()

# Connect the streams exactly as if they were local

Although this example is somewhat contrived, it demonstrates the general approach: assuming both processes are running an RPC server, one will be able to initiate a stream connection as long as it has an RPC proxy to the stream from the other process.

Using Streams in Custom Node Types

Node classes are responsible for handling most of the configuration for their input/output streams as well as for sending, receiving, and reconstructing data through the streams. This functionality is mostly hidden from Node users; however, if you plan to write custom Node classes, then it is necessary to understand this process in more detail.

Node subclasses may declare any required properties for their input and output streams through the _input_specs and _output_specs class attributes. Each attribute is a dict whose keys are the names of the streams and whose values provide the default configuration arguments for the stream. For example:

class MyFilterNode(Node):
    _input_specs = {
        'analog_in': dict(streamtype='analogsignal', dtype='int16', shape=(-1, 2),
                          compression='', timeaxis=0, sample_rate=50000.),
        'trigger_in': dict(streamtype='digitalsignal', dtype='uint32', shape=(-1),
                           compression='', timeaxis=0, sample_rate=200000.),

    _output_specs = {
        'filtered_out': dict(streamtype='analogsignal', dtype='float32', shape=(-1, 2),
                             compression='', timeaxis=0, sample_rate=50000)}

This Node subclass declares two input streams and one output stream: an analog input called “analog_in”, a digital input called “trigger_in”, and an analog output called “filtered_out”. The configuration parameters specified for each stream are passed to the spec argument of InputStream.__init__() or OutputStream.__init__().

When the user calls Node.configure(), the Node will have its last opportunity to create extra streams (if any) and apply all configuration options to its streams.

Nodes call OutputStream.send() to send new data via their output streams, and InputStream.recv() to receive data from their input streams. If the stream is a plaindata type, then calling recv() will return the next data chunk. In contrast, sharedmem streams only return the poisition within the shared memory array of the next data chunk. In this case, it may be more useful to call InputStream.get_array_slice() to return part of the shared memory buffer.

See also

  • The Noise generator example demonstrates a simple node with an output stream.
  • The Stream monitor example demonstrates a simple node with an input stream.

Using streams in GUI nodes

User interface nodes pose a unique challenge because they must somehow work with the Qt event loop. Using a QTimer to poll an input node is a valid option, but this requires a tradeoff between latency and CPU usage–a node that responds quickly to stream input would have to poll with a short timer interval, which can be computationally expensive.

A better alternative is to have a background thread block while receiving data on the input stream, and then send a signal to the GUI event loop whenever it receives a packet. This is the purpose of pyacq.core.ThreadPollInput.

For example:

instream = InputStream()

poller = ThreadPollInput(input_stream=instream, return_data=True)

def callback(position, data):
    print("Received new data packet at position %d" % position)


In this example, we assume a Qt event loop is already running. The pyacq.core.ThreadPollInput instance starts a background thread to receive data from instream. When data is received, a signal is emitted and the callback is invoked by the Qt event loop. Because this stream is being accessed by another thread, it must not be accessed from the main GUI thread until poller.stop() and poller.wait() have been called.

The default behavior for pyacq.core.ThreadPollInput is to emit a signal whenever it receives a data packet. However, this behavior can be customized by overriding the :func:pyacq.core.ThreadPollInput.processData` method in a subclass.

Stream management tools

Pyacq provides two simple tools for managing data as it moves between streams:

pyacq.core.StreamConverter receives data from an output stream and immediately sends it through another output stream, which could have a different configuration. As an example, one could receive data from a sharedmem stream and then use a pyacq.core.StreamConverter to forward the data over a tcp socket:

conv = StreamConverter()

# data arrives via outstream

# ..and is forwarded via conv.output

# now we may connect another InputStream to conv.output

pyacq.core.ChannelSplitter takes a multi-channel stream as input and forwards data from individual channels (or groups of channels) via multiple outputs. This is used primarily when streaming multichannel data to a cluster of nodes that will preform a parallel computation. Although it would be possible to simply send all channel data to all nodes, this could incur a performance penalty depending on the stream protocol. By splitting the stream before sending it to the compute nodes, we can avoid this extra overhead.