Source code for pyacq.dsp.overlapfiltfilt

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE for more info.

from pyqtgraph.Qt import QtCore
import pyqtgraph as pg
from pyqtgraph.util.mutex import Mutex
import numpy as np

from ..core import (Node, register_node_type, ThreadPollInput)
from import RingBuffer

import distutils.version
    import scipy.signal
    HAVE_SCIPY = True
    # scpy.signal.sosfilt was introduced in scipy 0.16
    assert distutils.version.LooseVersion(scipy.__version__) > '0.16'
except ImportError:
    HAVE_SCIPY = False

    import pyopencl
    mf = pyopencl.mem_flags
except ImportError:

class SosFiltfilt_Base:
    def __init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        self.coefficients = coefficients
        if self.coefficients.ndim==2:
            self.nb_section =self. coefficients.shape[0]
        if self.coefficients.ndim==3:
            self.nb_section = self.coefficients.shape[1]
        self.nb_channel = nb_channel
        self.dtype = np.dtype(dtype)
        self.chunksize = chunksize
        self.overlapsize = overlapsize
        shape = ((chunksize+overlapsize)*5, nb_channel)
        self.forward_buffer = RingBuffer(shape, dtype, double=True)
        self.backward_chunksize = self.chunksize+self.overlapsize
    def compute_one_chunk(self, pos, data):
        assert self.chunksize == data.shape[0], 'Chunksize is bad {} instead of{}'.format(data.shape[0], self.chunksize)
        forward_chunk_filtered = self.compute_forward(data)
        #~ forward_chunk_filtered = forward_chunk_filtered.astype(self.dtype)
        self.forward_buffer.new_chunk(forward_chunk_filtered, index=pos)
        start = pos-self.chunksize-self.overlapsize
        if start>0:
            backward_chunk = self.forward_buffer.get_data(start,pos)
            backward_filtered = self.compute_backward(backward_chunk)
            backward_filtered = backward_filtered[:self.chunksize]
            return pos-self.overlapsize, backward_filtered
        elif pos>self.overlapsize:
            backward_chunk = self.forward_buffer.get_data(0,pos)
            backward_filtered = self.compute_backward(backward_chunk)
            backward_filtered = backward_filtered[:-self.overlapsize]
            return pos-self.overlapsize, backward_filtered
            return None, None
    def compute_forward(self, chunk):
        raise NotImplementedError
    def compute_backward(self, chunk):
        raise NotImplementedError

class SosFiltfilt_Scipy(SosFiltfilt_Base):
    Implementation with scipy.
    def __init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        SosFiltfilt_Base.__init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize)
        self.zi = np.zeros((self.nb_section, 2, self.nb_channel), dtype= dtype)
    def compute_forward(self, chunk):
        forward_chunk_filtered, self.zi = scipy.signal.sosfilt(self.coefficients, chunk, zi=self.zi, axis=0)
        forward_chunk_filtered = forward_chunk_filtered.astype(self.dtype)
        return forward_chunk_filtered
    def compute_backward(self, chunk):
        backward_filtered = scipy.signal.sosfilt(self.coefficients, chunk[::-1, :], zi=None, axis=0)
        backward_filtered = backward_filtered[::-1, :]
        backward_filtered = backward_filtered.astype(self.dtype)
        return backward_filtered

class SosFiltfilt_OpenCl_Base(SosFiltfilt_Base):
    def __init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        SosFiltfilt_Base.__init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize)
        assert self.dtype == np.dtype('float32')
        assert self.chunksize is not None, 'chunksize for opencl must be fixed'
        self.coefficients = self.coefficients.astype(self.dtype)
        if self.coefficients.ndim==2: #(nb_section, 6) to (nb_channel, nb_section, 6)
            self.coefficients = np.tile(self.coefficients[None,:,:], (nb_channel, 1,1))
        if not self.coefficients.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            self.coefficients = self.coefficients.copy()
        assert self.coefficients.shape[0]==self.nb_channel, 'wrong coefficients.shape'
        assert self.coefficients.shape[2]==6, 'wrong coefficients.shape'
        self.nb_section = self.coefficients.shape[1]

        self.ctx = pyopencl.create_some_context()
        #TODO : add arguments gpu_platform_index/gpu_device_index
        #self.devices =  [pyopencl.get_platforms()[self.gpu_platform_index].get_devices()[self.gpu_device_index] ]
        #self.ctx = pyopencl.Context(self.devices)        
        self.queue = pyopencl.CommandQueue(self.ctx)

        #host arrays
        self.zi1 = np.zeros((nb_channel, self.nb_section, 2), dtype= self.dtype)
        self.zi2 = np.zeros((nb_channel, self.nb_section, 2), dtype= self.dtype)
        self.output1 = np.zeros((self.chunksize, self.nb_channel), dtype= self.dtype)
        self.output2 = np.zeros((self.backward_chunksize, self.nb_channel), dtype= self.dtype)
        #GPU buffers
        self.coefficients_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_ONLY | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.coefficients)
        self.zi1_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.zi1)
        self.zi2_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE | mf.COPY_HOST_PTR, hostbuf=self.zi2)
        self.input1_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.output1.nbytes)
        self.output1_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.output1.nbytes)
        self.input2_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.output2.nbytes)
        self.output2_cl = pyopencl.Buffer(self.ctx, mf.READ_WRITE, size=self.output2.nbytes)

        #nb works
        kernel = self.kernel%dict(forward_chunksize=self.chunksize, backward_chunksize=self.backward_chunksize,
                                                            nb_section=self.nb_section, nb_channel=self.nb_channel)
        prg = pyopencl.Program(self.ctx, kernel)
        self.opencl_prg ='-cl-mad-enable')

class SosFilfilt_OpenCL_V1(SosFiltfilt_OpenCl_Base):
    def __init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        SosFiltfilt_OpenCl_Base.__init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize)
        self.global_size = (self.nb_channel, )
        self.local_size = (self.nb_channel, )

    def compute_forward(self, chunk):
        if not chunk.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            chunk = chunk.copy()
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input1_cl, chunk)

        kern_call = getattr(self.opencl_prg, 'forward_filter')
        event = kern_call(self.queue, self.global_size, self.local_size,
                                self.input1_cl, self.output1_cl, self.coefficients_cl, self.zi1_cl)
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.output1, self.output1_cl)
        forward_chunk_filtered = self.output1
        return forward_chunk_filtered
    def compute_backward(self, chunk):
        if not chunk.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            chunk = chunk.copy()
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.zi2_cl, self.zi2)
        if chunk.shape[0]==self.backward_chunksize:
            pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input2_cl, chunk)
            #side effect at the begining
            chunk2 = np.zeros((self.backward_chunksize, self.nb_channel), dtype=self.dtype)
            chunk2[-chunk.shape[0]:, :] = chunk
            pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input2_cl, chunk2)
        kern_call = getattr(self.opencl_prg, 'backward_filter')
        event = kern_call(self.queue, self.global_size, self.local_size,
                                self.input2_cl, self.output2_cl, self.coefficients_cl, self.zi2_cl)
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.output2, self.output2_cl)
        if chunk.shape[0]==self.backward_chunksize:        
            forward_chunk_filtered = self.output2
            #side effect at the begining
            forward_chunk_filtered = self.output2[-chunk.shape[0]:, :]
        return forward_chunk_filtered
    kernel = """
    #define forward_chunksize %(forward_chunksize)d
    #define backward_chunksize %(backward_chunksize)d
    #define nb_section %(nb_section)d
    #define nb_channel %(nb_channel)d

    __kernel void sos_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, 
                                                                            __global float *zi, int chunksize, int direction) {

        int chan = get_global_id(0); //channel indice
        int offset_filt2;  //offset channel within section
        int offset_zi = chan*nb_section*2;
        int idx;

        float w0, w1,w2;
        float res;
        for (int section=0; section<nb_section; section++){
            offset_filt2 = chan*nb_section*6+section*6;
            w1 = zi[offset_zi+section*2+0];
            w2 = zi[offset_zi+section*2+1];
            for (int s=0; s<chunksize;s++){
                if (direction==1) {idx = s*nb_channel+chan;}
                else if (direction==-1) {idx = (chunksize-s-1)*nb_channel+chan;}
                if (section==0)  {w0 = input[idx];}
                else {w0 = output[idx];}
                w0 -= coefficients[offset_filt2+4] * w1;
                w0 -= coefficients[offset_filt2+5] * w2;
                res = coefficients[offset_filt2+0] * w0 + coefficients[offset_filt2+1] * w1 +  coefficients[offset_filt2+2] * w2;
                w2 = w1; w1 =w0;
                output[idx] = res;
            zi[offset_zi+section*2+0] = w1;
            zi[offset_zi+section*2+1] = w2;

    __kernel void forward_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, __global float *zi){
        sos_filter(input, output, coefficients, zi, forward_chunksize, 1);

    __kernel void backward_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, __global float *zi) {
        sos_filter(input, output, coefficients, zi, backward_chunksize, -1);

class SosFilfilt_OpenCL_V3(SosFiltfilt_OpenCl_Base):
    def __init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        SosFiltfilt_OpenCl_Base.__init__(self, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize)
        self.global_size = (self.nb_channel, self.nb_section)
        self.local_size = (1, self.nb_section)

    def compute_forward(self, chunk):
        if not chunk.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            chunk = chunk.copy()
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input1_cl, chunk)

        kern_call = getattr(self.opencl_prg, 'forward_filter')
        event = kern_call(self.queue, self.global_size, self.local_size,
                                self.input1_cl, self.output1_cl, self.coefficients_cl, self.zi1_cl)
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.output1, self.output1_cl)
        forward_chunk_filtered = self.output1
        return forward_chunk_filtered
    def compute_backward(self, chunk):
        if not chunk.flags['C_CONTIGUOUS']:
            chunk = chunk.copy()
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.zi2_cl, self.zi2)
        if chunk.shape[0]==self.backward_chunksize:
            pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input2_cl, chunk)
            #side effect at the begining
            chunk2 = np.zeros((self.backward_chunksize, self.nb_channel), dtype=self.dtype)
            chunk2[-chunk.shape[0]:, :] = chunk
            pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.input2_cl, chunk2)
        kern_call = getattr(self.opencl_prg, 'backward_filter')
        event = kern_call(self.queue, self.global_size, self.local_size,
                                self.input2_cl, self.output2_cl, self.coefficients_cl, self.zi2_cl)
        pyopencl.enqueue_copy(self.queue,  self.output2, self.output2_cl)
        if chunk.shape[0]==self.backward_chunksize:
            forward_chunk_filtered = self.output2
            #side effect at the begining
            forward_chunk_filtered = self.output2[-chunk.shape[0]:, :]
        return forward_chunk_filtered
    kernel = """
    #define forward_chunksize %(forward_chunksize)d
    #define backward_chunksize %(backward_chunksize)d
    #define nb_section %(nb_section)d
    #define nb_channel %(nb_channel)d

    __kernel void sos_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, 
                                                                            __global float *zi, int chunksize, int direction) {

        int chan = get_global_id(0); //channel indice
        int section = get_global_id(1); //section indice
        int offset_filt2;  //offset channel within section
        int offset_zi = chan*nb_section*2;
        int idx;

        float w0, w1,w2;
        float res;
        int s2;

        w1 = zi[offset_zi+section*2+0];
        w2 = zi[offset_zi+section*2+1];
        for (int s=0; s<chunksize+(3*nb_section);s++){

            s2 = s-section*3;
            if (s2>=0 && (s2<chunksize)){
                offset_filt2 = chan*nb_section*6+section*6;
                if (direction==1) {idx = s2*nb_channel+chan;}
                else if (direction==-1) {idx = (chunksize-s2-1)*nb_channel+chan;}
                if (section==0)  {w0 = input[idx];}
                else {w0 = output[idx];}
                w0 -= coefficients[offset_filt2+4] * w1;
                w0 -= coefficients[offset_filt2+5] * w2;
                res = coefficients[offset_filt2+0] * w0 + coefficients[offset_filt2+1] * w1 +  coefficients[offset_filt2+2] * w2;
                w2 = w1; w1 =w0;
                output[idx] = res;

        zi[offset_zi+section*2+0] = w1;
        zi[offset_zi+section*2+1] = w2;
    __kernel void forward_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, __global float *zi){
        sos_filter(input, output, coefficients, zi, forward_chunksize, 1);

    __kernel void backward_filter(__global  float *input, __global  float *output, __constant  float *coefficients, __global float *zi) {
        sos_filter(input, output, coefficients, zi, backward_chunksize, -1);

sosfiltfilt_engines = { 'scipy' : SosFiltfilt_Scipy, 'opencl' : SosFilfilt_OpenCL_V1, 'opencl3' : SosFilfilt_OpenCL_V3 }

class SosFiltfiltThread(ThreadPollInput):
    def __init__(self, input_stream, output_stream, timeout = 200, parent = None):
        ThreadPollInput.__init__(self, input_stream, timeout = timeout, return_data=True, parent = parent)
        self.output_stream = output_stream
        self.mutex = Mutex()

    def process_data(self, pos, data):
        with self.mutex:
            pos2, chunk_filtered = self.filter_engine.compute_one_chunk(pos, data)
        if pos2 is not None:
            self.output_stream.send(chunk_filtered, index=pos2)
    def set_params(self, engine, coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize):
        assert engine in sosfiltfilt_engines
        EngineClass = sosfiltfilt_engines[engine]
        with self.mutex:
            self.filter_engine = EngineClass(coefficients, nb_channel, dtype, chunksize, overlapsize)

[docs]class OverlapFiltfilt(Node, QtCore.QObject): """ Node for filtering with forward-backward method (filtfilt) using second order (sos) coefficient and a sliding, overlapping window. Because the signal is filtered piecewise, the result will differ slightly from the ideal case, in which the entire signal would be filtered over all time at once. To ensure accurate results, the chunksize and overlapsize parameters must be chosen carefully: a small chunksize will affect low frequencies, and a small overlapsize may result in transients at the border between chunks. We recommend comparing the output of this node to an ideal offline filter to ensure that the residuals are acceptably small. The chunksize need to be fixed. For overlapsize there are 2 cases: 1. ``overlapsize < chunksize/2`` : natural case; each chunk partially overlaps. The overlapping regions are on the ends of each chunk, whereas the central part of the chunk has no overlap. 2. ``overlapsize>chunksize/2`` : chunks are fully overlapping; there is no central part. In the 2 cases, for each arrival of a new chunk at ``[-chunksize:]``, the computed chunk at ``[-(chunksize+overlapsize):-overlapsize]`` is released. The ``coefficients.shape`` must be (nb_section, 6). If pyopencl is avaible you can use ``SosFilter.configure(engine='opencl')``. In that case the coefficients.shape can also be (nb_channel, nb_section, 6) this helps for having different filters on each channel. The opencl engine inernally requires data to be in (channel, sample) order. If the input data does not have this order, then it must be copied and performance will be affected. """ _input_specs = {'signals' : dict(streamtype = 'signals')} _output_specs = {'signals' : dict(streamtype = 'signals')} def __init__(self, parent = None, **kargs): QtCore.QObject.__init__(self, parent) Node.__init__(self, **kargs) assert HAVE_SCIPY, "SosFilter need scipy>0.16" def _configure(self, chunksize=1024, overlapsize=512, coefficients=None, engine='scipy'): """ Set the coefficient of the filter. See for details. """ self.chunksize = chunksize self.overlapsize = overlapsize self.engine = engine self.set_coefficients(coefficients)
[docs] def after_input_connect(self, inputname): self.nb_channel = self.input.params['shape'][1] for k in ['sample_rate', 'dtype', 'shape', ]: self.output.spec[k] = self.input.params[k]
def _initialize(self): self.thread = SosFiltfiltThread(self.input, self.output) self.thread.set_params(self.engine, self.coefficients, self.nb_channel, self.output.params['dtype'], self.chunksize, self.overlapsize) def _start(self): self.thread.last_pos = None self.thread.start() def _stop(self): self.thread.stop() self.thread.wait() def set_coefficients(self, coefficients): self.coefficients = coefficients if self.initialized(): self.thread.set_params(self.engine, self.coefficients, self.nb_channel, self.output.params['dtype'], self.chunksize, self.overlapsize)