Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE for more info.

import random
import string
import zmq
import numpy as np
import weakref

from .ringbuffer import RingBuffer
from .streamhelpers import all_transfermodes
from ..rpc import ObjectProxy
from .arraytools import fix_struct_dtype, make_dtype

default_stream = dict(
    shape=(-1, 1),
    double=False,#make sens only for transfermode='sharemem',

[docs]class OutputStream(object): """Class for streaming data to an InputStream. Streams allow data to be sent between objects that may exist on different threads, processes, or machines. They offer a variety of transfer methods including TCP for remote connections and IPC for local connections. Parameters ---------- spec : dict Required parameters for this stream. These may not be overridden when calling :func:`configure` later on. node : Node or None name : str or None """ def __init__(self, spec=None, node=None, name=None): spec = {} if spec is None else spec self.last_index = 0 self.configured = False self.spec = spec # this is a priori stream params, and must be change when Node.configure if node is not None: self.node = weakref.ref(node) else: self.node = None = name
[docs] def configure(self, **kargs): """ Configure the output stream. Parameters ---------- protocol : 'tcp', 'udp', 'inproc' or 'inpc' (linux only) The type of protocol used for the zmq.PUB socket interface : str The bind adress for the zmq.PUB socket port : str The port for the zmq.PUB socket transfermode: str The method used for data transfer: * 'plaindata': data are sent over a plain socket in two parts: (frame index, data). * 'sharedmem': data are stored in shared memory in a ring buffer and the current frame index is sent over the socket. * 'shared_cuda_buffer': (planned) data are stored in shared Cuda buffer and the current frame index is sent over the socket. * 'share_opencl_buffer': (planned) data are stored in shared OpenCL buffer and the current frame index is sent over the socket. All registered transfer modes can be found in ``. streamtype: 'analogsignal', 'digitalsignal', 'event' or 'image/video' The nature of data to be transferred. dtype: str ('float32','float64', [('r', 'uint16'), ('g', 'uint16'), , ('b', 'uint16')], ...) The numpy.dtype of the data buffer. It can be a composed dtype for event or images. shape: list The shape of each data frame. If the stream will send chunks of variable length, then use -1 for the first (time) dimension. * For ``streamtype=image``, the shape should be ``(-1, H, W)`` or ``(n_frames, H, W)``. * For ``streamtype=analogsignal`` the shape should be ``(n_samples, n_channels)`` or ``(-1, n_channels)``. compression: '', 'blosclz', 'blosc-lz4' The compression for the data stream. The default uses no compression. scale: float An optional scale factor + offset to apply to the data before it is sent over the stream. ``output = offset + scale * input`` offset: See *scale*. units: str Units of the stream data. Mainly used for 'analogsignal'. sample_rate: float or None Sample rate of the stream in Hz. kwargs : All extra keyword arguments are passed to the DataSender constructor for the chosen transfermode (for example, see :class:`SharedMemSender <stream.sharedmemstream.SharedMemSender>`). """ self.params = dict(default_stream) self.params.update(self.spec) for k in kargs: if k in self.spec: assert kargs[k]==self.spec[k], \ 'Cannot configure {}={}; already in fixed in self.spec {}={}'.format(k, kargs[k], k, self.spec[k]) self.params.update(kargs) if 'dtype' in self.params: # fix error in structred dtype with bad serilization self.params['dtype'] = fix_struct_dtype(self.params['dtype']) shape = self.params['shape'] assert shape[0] == -1 or shape[0] > 0, "First element in shape must be -1 or > 0." for i in range(1, len(shape)): assert shape[i] > 0, "Shape index %d must be > 0." % i if self.params['protocol'] in ('inproc', 'ipc'): pipename = u'pyacq_pipe_'+''.join(random.SystemRandom().choice(string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits) for _ in range(24)) self.params['interface'] = pipename self.url = '{protocol}://{interface}'.format(**self.params) else: self.url = '{protocol}://{interface}:{port}'.format(**self.params) context = zmq.Context.instance() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.PUB) self.socket.linger = 1000 # don't let socket deadlock when exiting self.socket.bind(self.url) self.addr = self.socket.getsockopt(zmq.LAST_ENDPOINT).decode() self.port = self.addr.rpartition(':')[2] self.params['port'] = self.port transfermode = self.params['transfermode'] if transfermode not in all_transfermodes: raise ValueError("Unsupported transfer mode '%s'" % transfermode) sender_class = all_transfermodes[transfermode][0] self.sender = sender_class(self.socket, self.params) self.configured = True if self.node and self.node(): self.node().after_output_configure(
[docs] def send(self, data, index=None, **kargs): """Send a data chunk and its frame index. Parameters ---------- index: int The absolute sample index. This is the index of the last sample + 1. data: np.ndarray or bytes The chunk of data to send. """ if index is None: index = self.last_index + data.shape[0] self.last_index = index self.sender.send(index, data, **kargs)
[docs] def close(self): """Close the output. This closes the socket and releases shared memory, if necessary. """ self.sender.close() self.socket.close() del self.socket del self.sender
[docs] def reset_buffer_index(self): """ Reset the buffer index. Usefull for multiple start/stop on Node to reset the index. """ self.last_index = 0 self.sender.reset_index()
def _shape_equal(shape1, shape2): """ Check if shape of stream are compatible. More or less shape1==shape2 but deal with: * shape can be list or tuple * shape can have one dim with -1 """ shape1 = list(shape1) shape2 = list(shape2) if len(shape1) != len(shape2): return False for i in range(len(shape1)): if shape1[i]==-1 or shape2[i]==-1: continue if shape1[i]!=shape2[i]: return False return True
[docs]class InputStream(object): """Class for streaming data from an OutputStream. Streams allow data to be sent between objects that may exist on different threads, processes, or machines. They offer a variety of transfer methods including TCP for remote connections and IPC for local connections. Typical InputStream usage: 1. Use :func:`InputStream.connect()` to connect to an :class:`OutputStream` defined elsewhere. Usually, the argument will actually be a proxy to a remote :class:`OutputStream`. 2. Poll for incoming data packets with :func:`InputStream.poll()`. 3. Receive the next packet with :func:`InputStream.recv()`. Optionally, use :func:`InputStream.set_buffer()` to attach a :class:`RingBuffer` for easier data handling. """ def __init__(self, spec=None, node=None, name=None): self.spec = {} if spec is None else spec self.configured = False if node is not None: self.node = weakref.ref(node) else: self.node = None = name self.buffer = None self._own_buffer = False # whether InputStream should populate buffer
[docs] def connect(self, output): """Connect an output to this input. Any data send over the stream using :func:`output.send() <OutputStream.send>` can be retrieved using :func:`input.recv() <InputStream.recv>`. Parameters ---------- output : OutputStream (or proxy to a remote OutputStream) The OutputStream to connect. """ if isinstance(output, dict): self.params = output elif isinstance(output, OutputStream): self.params = output.params elif isinstance(output, ObjectProxy): self.params = output.params._get_value() else: raise TypeError("Invalid type for stream: %s" % type(output)) if self.params['protocol'] in ('inproc', 'ipc'): self.url = '{protocol}://{interface}'.format(**self.params) else: self.url = '{protocol}://{interface}:{port}'.format(**self.params) # allow some keys in self.spec to override self.params readonly_params = ['protocol', 'transfermode', 'shape', 'dtype'] for k,v in self.spec.items(): if k in readonly_params: if k=='shape': valid = _shape_equal(v, self.params[k]) elif k=='dtype': #~ valid = v == self.params[k] valid = make_dtype(v) == make_dtype(self.params[k]) else: valid = (v == self.params[k]) if not valid: raise ValueError("InputStream parameter %s=%s does not match connected output %s=%s." % (k, v, k, self.params[k])) else: self.params[k] = v context = zmq.Context.instance() self.socket = context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.socket.linger = 1000 # don't let socket deadlock when exiting self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, b'') #~ self.socket.setsockopt(zmq.DELAY_ATTACH_ON_CONNECT,1) self.socket.connect(self.url) transfermode = self.params['transfermode'] if transfermode not in all_transfermodes: raise ValueError("Unsupported transfer mode '%s'" % transfermode) receiver_class = all_transfermodes[transfermode][1] self.receiver = receiver_class(self.socket, self.params) self.connected = True if self.node and self.node(): self.node().after_input_connect(
[docs] def poll(self, timeout=None): """Poll the socket of input stream. Return True if a new packet is available. """ return self.socket.poll(timeout=timeout)
[docs] def recv(self, **kargs): """ Receive a chunk of data. Returns ------- index: int The absolute sample index. This is the index of the last sample + 1. data: np.ndarray or bytes The received chunk of data. If the stream uses ``transfermode='sharedarray'``, then the data is returned as None and you must use ``input_stream[start:stop]`` to read from the shared array or ``input_stream.recv(with_data=True)`` to return the received data chunk. """ index, data = self.receiver.recv(**kargs) if self._own_buffer and data is not None and self.buffer is not None: self.buffer.new_chunk(data, index=index) return index, data
[docs] def empty_queue(self): """ Receive all pending messing in the zmq queue without consuming them. This is usefull when a Node do not start at the same time than other nodes but was already connected. In that case the zmq water mecanism put messages in a queue and when you start cusuming you get old message. This can be annoying. This recv every thing with timeout=0 and so empty the queue. """ while self.socket.poll(timeout=0)>0: self.socket.recv_multipart()
[docs] def close(self): """Close the stream. This closes the socket. No data can be received after this point. """ self.receiver.close() self.socket.close() del self.socket
def __getitem__(self, *args): """Return a data slice from the RingBuffer attached to this InputStream. If no RingBuffer is attached, raise an exception. See ``set_buffer()``. """ if self.buffer is None: raise TypeError("No ring buffer configured for this InputStream.") return self.buffer.__getitem__(*args)
[docs] def get_data(self, *args, **kargs): """ Return a segment of the RingBuffer attached to this InputStream. If no RingBuffer is attached, raise an exception. For parameters, see :func:`RingBuffer.get_data()`. See also: :func:`InputStream.set_buffer()`. """ if self.buffer is None: raise TypeError("No ring buffer configured for this InputStream.") return self.buffer.get_data(*args, **kargs)
[docs] def set_buffer(self, size=None, double=True, axisorder=None, shmem=None, fill=None): """Ensure that this InputStream has a RingBuffer at least as large as *size* and with the specified double-mode and axis order. If necessary, this will attach a new RingBuffer to the stream and remove any existing buffer. """ # first see if we already have a buffer that meets requirements bufs = [] if self.buffer is not None: bufs.append((self.buffer, self._own_buffer)) if self.receiver.buffer is not None: bufs.append((self.receiver.buffer, False)) for buf, own in bufs: if buf.shape[0] >= size and buf.double == double and (axisorder is None or all(buf.axisorder == axisorder)): self.buffer = buf self._own_buffer = own return # attach a new buffer shape = (size,) + tuple(self.params['shape'][1:]) dtype = make_dtype(self.params['dtype']) self.buffer = RingBuffer(shape=shape, dtype=dtype, double=double, axisorder=axisorder, shmem=shmem, fill=fill) self._own_buffer = True
[docs] def reset_buffer_index(self): """ Reset the buffer index. Usefull for multiple start/stop on Node to reset the index. """ if self.buffer is not None and self._own_buffer: self.buffer.reset_index()