Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE for more info.

import struct
import numpy as np

from .streamhelpers import DataSender, DataReceiver, register_transfermode
from .ringbuffer import RingBuffer
from .arraytools import make_dtype

[docs]class SharedMemSender(DataSender): """Stream sender that uses shared memory for efficient interprocess communication. Only the data pointer is sent over the socket. Note: this class is usually not instantiated directly; use ``OutputStream.configure(transfermode='sharedmem')``. Extra parameters accepted when configuring the output stream: * buffer_size (int) the size of the shared memory buffer in *frames*. The total shape of the allocated buffer is ``(buffer_size,) + shape``. * double (bool) if True, then the buffer size is doubled and all frames are written to the buffer twice. This makes it possible to guarantee zero-copy reads by any connected InputStream. * axisorder (tuple) The order that buffer axes should be arranged in memory. This makes it possible to optimize for specific algorithms that expect either row-major or column-major alignment. The default is row-major; the time axis comes first in the axis order. * fill (float) Value used to fill the buffer where no data is available. """ def __init__(self, socket, params): DataSender.__init__(self, socket, params) self.size = self.params['buffer_size'] shape = (self.size,) + tuple(self.params['shape'][1:]) self._buffer = RingBuffer(shape=shape, dtype=make_dtype(self.params['dtype']), shmem=True, axisorder=self.params['axisorder'], double=self.params['double'], fill=self.params['fill']) self.params['shm_id'] = self._buffer.shm_id def send(self, index, data): assert data.dtype == self.params['dtype'] shape = data.shape if self.params['shape'][0] != -1: assert shape == self.params['shape'] else: assert tuple(shape[1:]) == tuple(self.params['shape'][1:]), '{} {}'.format(shape, self.params['shape']) self._buffer.new_chunk(data, index) stat = struct.pack('!' + 'QQ', index, shape[0]) self.socket.send_multipart([stat]) def reset_index(self): self._buffer.reset_index()
class SharedMemReceiver(DataReceiver): def __init__(self, socket, params): # init data receiver with no ring buffer; we will implement our own from shm. DataReceiver.__init__(self, socket, params) self.size = self.params['buffer_size'] shape = (self.size,) + tuple(self.params['shape'][1:]) self.buffer = RingBuffer(shape=shape, dtype=self.params['dtype'], double=self.params['double'], shmem=self.params['shm_id'], axisorder=self.params['axisorder']) def recv(self, return_data=False): """Receive message indicating the index of the next data chunk. Parameters: ----------- return_data : bool If True, return the new data chunk (this may involve copying data from the shared ring buffer). If False, then return None in place of data (the new data can still be accessed using __getitem__). The default is False. """ stat = self.socket.recv_multipart()[0] index, size = struct.unpack('!QQ', stat) if return_data: data = self.buffer[index-size:index] else: data = None return index, data register_transfermode('sharedmem', SharedMemSender, SharedMemReceiver)