Source code for

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE for more info.

import struct
import numpy as np

from .streamhelpers import DataSender, DataReceiver, register_transfermode
from .arraytools import is_contiguous, decompose_array, make_dtype
from .compression import compress, decompress

[docs]class PlainDataSender(DataSender): """Helper class to send data serialized over socket. Note: this class is usually not instantiated directly; use ``OutputStream.configure(transfermode='plaindata')``. To avoid unnecessary copies (and thus optimize transmission speed), data is sent exactly as it appears in memory including array strides. This class supports compression. """ def send(self, index, data): # optional pre-processing before send if isinstance(data, np.ndarray): for f in self.funcs: index, data = f(index, data) # serialize dtype = data.dtype shape = data.shape buf, offset, strides = decompose_array(data) # compress comp = self.params['compression'] buf = compress(buf, comp, data.itemsize) # Pack and send stat = struct.pack('!' + 'Q' * (3+len(shape)) + 'q' * len(strides), len(shape), index, offset, *(shape + strides)) copy = self.params.get('copy', False) self.socket.send_multipart([stat, buf], copy=copy)
class PlainDataReceiver(DataReceiver): """Helper class to receive data serialized over socket. See PlainDataSender. """ def __init__(self, socket, params): DataReceiver.__init__(self, socket, params) def recv(self, return_data=True): # receive and unpack structure stat, data = self.socket.recv_multipart() ndim = struct.unpack('!Q', stat[:8])[0] stat = struct.unpack('!' + 'Q' * (ndim + 2) + 'q' * ndim, stat[8:]) index = stat[0] if not return_data: return index, None offset = stat[1] shape = stat[2:2+ndim] strides = stat[-ndim:] # uncompress comp = self.params['compression'] data = decompress(data, comp) # convert to array dtype = make_dtype(self.params['dtype']) # this avoid some bugs but is not efficient because this is call every sends... #~ dtype = self.params['dtype'] data = np.ndarray(buffer=data, shape=shape, strides=strides, offset=offset, dtype=dtype) return index, data register_transfermode('plaindata', PlainDataSender, PlainDataReceiver)