Source code for pyacq.core.manager

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright (c) 2016, French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS)
# Distributed under the (new) BSD License. See LICENSE for more info.

import atexit
import logging

from .rpc import RPCServer, RPCClient, ProcessSpawner
from .host import Host
from .rpc import log as rpc_log

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]def create_manager(mode='rpc', auto_close_at_exit=True): """Create a new Manager either in this process or in a new process. This function also starts a log server to which all log records will be forwarded from the manager and all processes started by the manager. See `LogServer` for more information. Parameters ---------- mode : str Must be 'local' to create the Manager in the current process, or 'rpc' to create the Manager in a new process (in which case a proxy to the remote manager will be returned). auto_close_at_exit : bool If True, then call `Manager.close()` automatically when the calling process exits (only used when ``mode=='rpc'``). """ assert mode in ('local', 'rpc'), "mode must be either 'local' or 'rpc'" rpc_log.set_process_name('main_process') # make nice local log output root_logger = logging.getLogger() log_handler = rpc_log.RPCLogHandler() # for some reason the root logger already has a handler.. while len(root_logger.handlers) > 0: root_logger.removeHandler(root_logger.handlers[0]) root_logger.addHandler(log_handler) # Send local uncaught exceptions through logger for nice formatting rpc_log.log_exceptions() # start a global log server if rpc_log.get_logger_address() is None: rpc_log.start_log_server(logger) # start the manager if mode == 'local': if RPCServer.get_server() is None: server = RPCServer() server.run_lazy() man = Manager() else:'Spawning remote manager process..') proc = ProcessSpawner(name='manager_proc', log_addr=rpc_log.get_logger_address()) man = proc.client._import('pyacq.core.manager').Manager() if auto_close_at_exit: atexit.register(man.close) return man
[docs]class Manager(object): """Manager is a central point of control for connecting to hosts and creating Nodegroups. Manager instances should be created using `create_manager()`. """ def __init__(self):'Creating new Manager..') self.hosts = {} # addr:Host self.nodegroups = {} # name:Nodegroup self._closed_nodegroups = set() # Host used for starting nodegroups on the local machine self.default_host = Host('default_host') # for auto-generated node / nodegroup names self._next_nodegroup_name = 0 self._next_node_name = 0 # publish with the RPC server if there is one server = RPCServer.get_server() if server is not None: server['manager'] = self # If the manager shuts down, then all spawned nodegroups should be # closed as well. atexit.register(self.close)
[docs] def get_logger_info(self): """Return the address of the log server and the level of the root logger. """ return rpc_log.get_logger_address(), logging.getLogger().level
[docs] def get_host(self, addr): """Connect the manager to a Host's RPC server and return a proxy to the host. Hosts are used as a stable service on remote machines from which new Nodegroups can be spawned or closed. """ if addr not in self.hosts: try: cli = RPCClient.get_client(addr) except TimeoutError: raise TimeoutError("No response from host at %s" % addr) try: self.hosts[addr] = cli['host'] except KeyError: raise ValueError("Contacted %s, but found no Host there." % addr) return self.hosts[addr]
def disconnect_host(self, host): host.close_nodegroups(self) self.hosts.pop(host._rpc_addr)
[docs] def list_hosts(self): """Return a list of the Hosts that the Manager is connected to. """ return list(self.hosts.values())
[docs] def create_nodegroup(self, name=None, host=None, qt=True, **kwds): """Create a new NodeGroup process and return a proxy to the NodeGroup. A NodeGroup is a process that manages one or more Nodes for device interaction, computation, or GUI. Parameters ---------- name : str A name for the new NodeGroup's process. This name is used to uniquely identify log messages originating from this nodegroup. host : None | str | ObjectProxy<Host> Optional address of the Host that should be used to spawn the new NodeGroup, or a proxy to the Host itself. If omitted, then the NodeGroup is spawned from the Manager's default host. qt : bool Whether to start a QApplication in the new process. Default is True. All extra keyword arguments are passed to `Host.create_nodegroup()`. """ if name is None: name = "nodegroup_%d" % self._next_nodegroup_name self._next_nodegroup_name += 1 assert isinstance(name, str) if name in self.nodegroups: raise KeyError("Nodegroup named %s already exists" % name) if isinstance(host, str): host = self.hosts[host] if host is None: host = self.default_host # Ask nodegroup to send log records to our server if 'log_addr' not in kwds: kwds['log_addr'] = rpc_log.get_logger_address() if 'log_level' not in kwds: kwds['log_level'] = logger.getEffectiveLevel() ng = host.create_nodegroup(name=name, manager=self, qt=qt, **kwds) self.nodegroups[name] = ng return ng
def nodegroup_closed(self, ng): # Called by host when it detects that a nodegroup's process has exited. self._closed_nodegroups.add(ng) def list_nodegroups(self): return list(self.nodegroups.values()) def start_all_nodes(self): for ng in self.nodegroups.values(): ng.start_all_nodes() def stop_all_nodes(self): for ng in self.nodegroups.values(): ng.stop_all_nodes() def close_all_nodegroups(self): for ng in self.nodegroups.values(): if ng in self._closed_nodegroups: continue try: ng.close(_sync='off') except RuntimeError: # If the server has already disconnected, then no need to close. cli = RPCClient.get_client(ng._rpc_addr) if not cli.disconnected(): raise self.nodegroups = {}
[docs] def close(self): """Close the Manager. If a default host was created by this Manager, then it will be closed as well. """ self.close_all_nodegroups()